ࡱ> 796 ^bjbjVV 4,<<2+%%%8]y%02444444$fXXmJJJ2J2JJJP'?\%J0JJJJXXJ : 鶹ý Council on General Education 4 November 2010 Meeting Minutes: Corrected and Approved, 11-18-2010 Present: Cynthia Struthers (chair), Diana Allen, Esteban Araya, Ginny Boynton (secretary), Jongnam Choi, John Hemingway, Douglas Huff, Andrea Hyde, Patrick McGinty. Ex-officio: Judi Dallinger, Candace McLaughlin, Russ Morgan. Absent: John Miller, Feridun Tasdan, Jess White (vice chair). Chairperson Cynthia Struthers called the meeting to order at 3:30 in 207A Morgan Hall, and welcomed back Council members, whose October 21 meeting had been cancelled due to an absence of urgent business at that time. The Minutes from October 7 were unanimously approved, with two minor corrections. Dr. Struthers announced that Music 397 was approved for General Education credit by the Faculty Senate. Dr. Struthers asked for clarification that Category 6 (Human Well-Being) was not intended to include financial wellness courses. The Council agreed that such a subject was not intended to be part of that category. General Education Assessment Update: Associate Provost Judi Dallinger led a discussion of the report she had distributed via email, which included a preliminary summary of Spring and Summer 2010 Gen Ed Assessment data. She indicated that Art and Biological Sciences, which are still missing their data, do not have Gen Ed Assessment Committee chairs. It was also pointed out that Political Science and Sociology/Anthropology had many sections without data reported. However, members of the Council indicated that at least some of that data had been submitted by faculty members. Considerable discussion ensued concerning the data for Goal 5, which had a considerably higher not met percentage than the other goals in the table that had been distributed. [Dr. Dallinger contacted the CGE members on Nov. 5 to indicate that the data distributed included several errors and should be discarded, and she sent an updated report, which indicated that the apparent disparity did not, in fact, exist.] The Council discussed what sort of breakdown of assessment data might be necessary for CGE to review department-level by goal or course-level data. Faculty Senate Bylaws for Council on General Education Chairperson Struthers led a discussion of the Senate Bylaws pertaining to CGE. It was clarified that the reference in the first paragraph under Membership correctly refers to Student Government Associations in the plural, because both the Macomb campus and the Quad Cities campus have SGAs. Since CGE has not had a student member in some time, Dr. Struthers will contact the SGAs about appointing a student representative to CGE. CAS Associate Dean Russ Morgan also offered to obtain a recommendation from the CAS Student Council, if needed. At Candace McLaughlins suggestion, we will recommend adding (COAA) after Council of Academic Advisors in the last sentence of the second paragraph of the Membership section. In the Duties section of the Bylaws, the following changes were recommended in the descriptions of the first four duties: a. To replace the current language about Faculty Liaison Committees with: To establish ad-hoc subcommittees as needed. b. To rephrase the current language to eliminate the split infinitive: To review periodically and to evaluate the philosophy and goals of General Education. c. To delete the phrase: and ongoing assessments of that curriculum by other agencies, d. To split and clarify the current compound phrase into two duties: To determine on the basis of assessment results the level of adequacy of students achievement of the goals of General Education. To determine on the basis of assessment results the effectiveness of any changes the Council on General Education approved for the curriculum of General Education. The Council then skipped to: k. To replace the Advising Center with COAA The Council will continue its proposed revisions of the Bylaws at its next meeting. Illinois Basic Skills Test Data: Ginny Boynton, also a member of the University Teacher Education Committee (UTEC) reported that the state recently raised the cut scores (minimum passing scores) for the states Basic Skills Test (BST), which is required of all students in all teacher education programs in Illinois. This change resulted in a 6 percent pass rate on the BST for the 18 鶹ý students who took the test in October. The BST tests basic reading comprehension, writing/grammar, and math skills, all General Education skills. Assoc. Dean Morgan reported that representatives from the English and Math Departments would be speaking with the CAS Faculty Council at its next meeting about how the Math and English curricula can more effectively prepare all teacher education students to pass this required state test. Diana Allen reported that whereas in Fall 2009, 23 percent of incoming freshmen placed into English 100 (remedial English), in Fall 2010 that number was 40 percent. This would seem to indicate that students are coming to 鶹ý increasingly ill-prepared in basic skills in language. Dr. Morgan indicated a similar pattern with regard to the remedial Math course (Math 099). Catalog Copy: Dr. Dallinger reported that Vicki Nicholson planned to cut pages 58-61, detailing the objectives for each of the General Education categories, from next years Undergraduate Catalog. After considerable objection from CGE members, who felt this was important information for both students and faculty, John Hemingway requested that the matter be placed on a future agenda as an action item, and Chairperson Struthers agreed. Dr. Dallinger said she would relay the Councils concerns to Ms. Nicholson. After a reminder from Dr. Struthers that the Councils next meeting will be on 18 November in 207A at 3:30 p.m., the Council adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Ginny Boynton, CGE Secretary      PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1  !+@efghpy     + ? 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